Walking out of school...

My 14 y.o daughter walked out of school earlier today. She is in a PRU so there's not many children (around 20 max). 

I had a phone call from school telling me she has left school grounds. Her behaviour is deteriorating as well. 

I have figured out the problem but I'm not sure how to help her. She is verbal and told me this herself. ' I don't like Project because there are 5 different teachers teaching us, they are doing things differently and doing different things in it and I have it like 10 times a week.' 

She doesn't like project which I can understand. Teachers are aware of the problem and try everything to get her into the lesson (she keeps walking out or just doesn't go). The past 2 weeks, this particular lesson has affected her other lessons because today for example, her first 2 lessons were fine, then she had Project and didn't go, then had English (one of her favourites) and didn't go since she wanted to go home. She leaves at lunch which was 15 minutes away but she climbed over the gate and left. (Her teacher followed her a bit and stayed a distance away and during school she is never left alone). 

She is very stressed and when I picked her up she was in tears and told me she was sorry for leaving and wanted to stop going to school altogether... 

Anyways... I don't know how to help her since she wants to go to school but doesn't want to do the lesson. But if she doesn't do the lesson her timetable will be messed up so she's even more stressed about that... I keep reassuring her but I don't know how to make school better for her... 

Any help, advice, ideas is very much appreciated. I'm sorry for ranting on. Thanks x

  • I understand your concern about your daughter walking out of school and her deteriorating behavior. It seems like her dislike for the Project lessons is causing her stress. The teachers are aware of the problem, but finding a solution has been challenging. It might be helpful to schedule a meeting with the teachers and school staff to discuss the situation in detail and explore alternative approaches. In the meantime, continue offering reassurance and support to your daughter. Consider additional resources like tutoring or extra guidance, Mp Sarkari Naukri to ensure she doesn't fall behind in other subjects. Remember, every child is unique, and finding the right balance can take time.

  • I understand your concern about your daughter walking out of school and her deteriorating behavior. It seems like her dislike for the Project lessons is causing her stress. The teachers are aware of the problem, but finding a solution has been challenging. It might be helpful to schedule a meeting with the teachers and school staff to discuss the situation in detail and explore alternative approaches. In the meantime, continue offering reassurance and support to your daughter. Consider additional resources like tutoring or extra guidance, Mp Sarkari Naukri to ensure she doesn't fall behind in other subjects. Remember, every child is unique, and finding the right balance can take time.

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