Technology + Games Consoles for Nonverbal Children

I have a three year old nonverbal autistic child between level 2 and 3 and I am thinking that technology will probably play an important part in helping my son to communicate.  I introduced him to using a Peppa Pig game on the tablet to get him familiar with technology.  It is early days yet and he is starting to get the hang of tapping tiles to get what he wants and swiping, but sometimes his taps are swipes and sometimes he swipes the wrong way, but I know with time he will get there.

I have a few questions to parents who are or have been in a similar position and who have experience using technology with their child:

1) What apps on the Android are good for three and a half year old nonverbal children that are on the more severe end of the spectrum?  By that I mean games or communication supporting apps.

2) What experiences have parents had with technology i.e. negative effects on their child through using technology (does it make them more introverted for example, or do you have issues with addiction) and are there any techniques you have found help to mitigate against the negative aspects.  I would not leave my son alone with the tablet and would like to make it something we enjoy together, as I want it to have that social aspect.

3) I was thinking of getting a games console for him at Christmas with some simple games, do any parents have any recommendations on game consoles and games for a child of my age, and any experiences they would like to share?

I would just like to close by saying that I am certainly not suggesting entering my son into a World surrounded by technology, but have it as something that can be part of a stimulating home environment.  Particularly duuring these times.

Many thanks.