I have seeked advice on many occasions not just reagrding ASD but my other kids additional needs (have 5 with special needs of all levels!). Being a single mom to 7 aint easy especially with the added extras. Its only today that someone mentioned having a carers assessment. I have been a carer to my eldest since he was 18 months old when he started having issues with hearing etc, its only now that things are getting a little tough not just physically but mentally has well and just at the present moment at final stages of having 2 lil uns statemented! Youngest 3 will be moving to different schools, respite will be starting for Bounce this month (will have to teach her how to help/support bounce etc and have her following me everytime she is about for a while!! :( )

Too make things easier on not just myself but my lads, I am considering a carers assessment but dont know what it envolves, can any one help me on this????

Also I am looking into getting disability bus passes for youngest 2 has buses/taxis are our main way of transport and want to start getting out a little more with them. My eldest 2 have one already and last year no3 (grumpy) was turned down. Youngest 3 do have more demanding needs that grumpy but they are much younger and have never applied for kids this young before, they are 7 and 5. Has anyone else applied for a disability bus pass for a child this young??? were you successful??? It did take grumpys months to sort out but because Bounce has a respite worker now and she dont drive buses will be their main transport  and respite has been mentioned for Bumblebee has well so want to be prepared!

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