What can I expect from initial appointment with Paediatrician?

Hi Everyone, 

My 2.5 year old son has his first appointment with a paediatrician since being referred in November last year. It's coming up in March and I don't have a clue what to expect! Can anyone give me any clue as to what we can expect at this appointment?

Thanks :)

  • I’m in Scotland.

    At first appointment the doc asked me questions while a play worker assessed child playing etc in same room. ( Walking up/down stairs, following instructions, drawing, kicking ball throwing ball, communication, eye contact, puzzles - took an hour)

    The assessment showed there was no other development delay other than ASC as only deficits were social/language.

    Was asked if I wanted full assessment which was

    SALT assessment in nursery and home

    And same play worker in nursery.

    He received diagnosis 3 months after first appointment