Feeling Guilty

Hi all

I have been struggling with guilt regarding feeling overwhelmed with the prediagnosis journey I am on with my 14 year old. I feel I have no right as I am not the one living with the condition. I am always positive in public and with my family and I know that really it's not a big deal.... but sometimes it's just too much for me to get my head around.

Am I the only one?

  • It can be a long and lonely journey. Not everyone will understand what you and your child are going through. Not even family outside your home. The best advice I was given was to take each day at a time and not to worry about the future. Easier said than done! My son was diagnosed at 11 and now 15. It's been a long road as his aggression showed around 11/12 and it's been terrible. He's medicated now. I do worry about the future but the future hadn't happened yet. All you can do is your best and try to be positive when you can. It's okay to cry and it's it's okay to be worried. You're human X 

  • It can be a long and lonely journey. Not everyone will understand what you and your child are going through. Not even family outside your home. The best advice I was given was to take each day at a time and not to worry about the future. Easier said than done! My son was diagnosed at 11 and now 15. It's been a long road as his aggression showed around 11/12 and it's been terrible. He's medicated now. I do worry about the future but the future hadn't happened yet. All you can do is your best and try to be positive when you can. It's okay to cry and it's it's okay to be worried. You're human X 

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