
I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice my son does not understand any of his emotions so I was wondering how I can get him to recognise when he is feeling a angry like how do I explain to him when your starting to feel angry? The 2 emotions I want to focus on first are feeling angry and sad as when he starts to recognise feeling angry I can add in something that he could pick up and and then an adult will know because I know he wouldt say.

Any advice would be amazing as I cant think of how to show him or explain it to him.

  • Not sure if this will help or not but rather than trying to explain maybe try to get him to recognise how he feels physically when he's angry (or just after). Im an autistic adult and recognising emotions is something i struggle with. 'I don't know - bad?' is often the sort of response I'd give to being asked how I feel! When i was working with a therapist she would get me to describe physical sensations if i couldn't explain to her how i felt - and also got me to try to explain to her how i felt physically when i was (to her) clearly upset or angry, and thats helped me start to be able to associate the feelings with the emotion and catch things earlier. I'm still not great at it, but it has helped me deal with things before they spiral a lot more, which is i guess you're trying to help your son with.

    Picking something up is a great idea. I have been know to use a red card system with my boss. Works quite well!

  • Not sure if this will help or not but rather than trying to explain maybe try to get him to recognise how he feels physically when he's angry (or just after). Im an autistic adult and recognising emotions is something i struggle with. 'I don't know - bad?' is often the sort of response I'd give to being asked how I feel! When i was working with a therapist she would get me to describe physical sensations if i couldn't explain to her how i felt - and also got me to try to explain to her how i felt physically when i was (to her) clearly upset or angry, and thats helped me start to be able to associate the feelings with the emotion and catch things earlier. I'm still not great at it, but it has helped me deal with things before they spiral a lot more, which is i guess you're trying to help your son with.

    Picking something up is a great idea. I have been know to use a red card system with my boss. Works quite well!

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