ASD high functioning daughter, secondary schools Surrey - advice please!

Hi everyone, 

This is my first time writing here... I’m seeking advice on excellent secondary schools for my daughter (currently in Y5). She has a diagnosis of ASD, select mute and needs a lot of support with academics (this is not a priority for us - we just want her to be happy and willing to go to school). She is otherwise high functioning but prone to high levels of anxiety.
School would need to be in Guildford or very near as have 2 other children and extended travel time would cause her anxiety anyway. We are currently awaiting decision on EHCP.
Any advice would be much appreciated xx

  • As you are awaiting decision on EHCP, you know the process. If you get EHCP, you can name the school and go through the stages of the process to get there. If you don't get the EHCP, you may settle, or decide to appeal and basically continue along the said process. NAS offer excellent advice on the first text of the proposed EHCP.

    I am sure you are aware of the excellent schools maintained by the Surrey county council. They should be listed in their 'Local offer' on their website.

    Have you visited them? 

    Deciding on a school is a very anxious time for parents, you feel responsibility not to make a mistake, how can you judge what will work well and what will not. I've been there.

    The best way is to make a list of as many schools as you like that feel possibly right for your daughter. Then to visit them, to research them, to talk to them. You will get more clarity and will have new evidence to re-evaluate your criteria and your list. Keep on doing this and eventually you are going to converge on the school that intuitively and explicitly seem to be the best fit for your daughter.

    Getting a place in that school is another thing all together. Charities like NAS, IPSEA and SOSSEN are all able to help.

  • Thank you for your response, Tinyexplorer, thank you for suggesting the 'Local offer' - I will contact them and see if they are able to help me with regards to narrowing down my search - my issue is that I don't really know where to start with regards to schools as I'm running out of time...  I won't be able to view that many schools before I have to submit my application. I wish my daughter had been diagnosed earlier and that I had realised how time consuming and tricky the whole process would be!

    I wonder whether if you realise that a school you have chosen is not the right fit you are then able to change your mind even after you have submitted your application. 

    I wish there was a kind 'school comparison app' where you would put your criteria and it would give you a list of potential schools to consider :-) 

  • I don't know the extent of your daughter's needs and whether you are likely to get an EHCP, as usually it is a battle.

    The thing about the schools is that if you choose your local mainstream, you will have every flexibility and support from the LA to get your daughter there.

    if you choose a mainstream with a unit, it will depend on the EHCP and the availability of places, as well as the transport policy, usually, the LA will push back.

    However, if you choose a Special School, unless your daughters needs are clearly seen by the LA as requiring a special school, they will fight back and it would depend on the places as well. 

    talk to your local SENDIA as well to check what the LA would do, SENDIAS are good at telling you the LA position.

  • Hi I just found your post and was interested in how you got on. My daughter sounds the same (just finished Yr 6 but dropped out twice and currently forced to HE. Would really like to share common experience. I am writing a EHCP request as I have no other options that I can see 


  • Hi I just found your post and was interested in how you got on. My daughter sounds the same (just finished Yr 6 but dropped out twice and currently forced to HE. Would really like to share common experience. I am writing a EHCP request as I have no other options that I can see 


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