
So I have been working with school Senco to get extra help for my 6 year old but despite 2 applications the local education dept wont conduct an EHCP assessment. I could use some advice on pushing this through. (Education psych and SLT both support the application) I know next step is mediation.

Would welcome any advice. Thanks.

  • Jump through the hoops - as tedious as they are. We were told that EHCP’s only kick in if the school can evidence that they are providing support above and beyond what is ‘reasonable’ and for over (I think) 13 hours. 

    Make sure you document everything and keep scrupulous records. 

    If you are desperate, I have known parents to trigger a child in need assessment because there is then a statutory requirement to support a disabled child in need.

  • Jump through the hoops - as tedious as they are. We were told that EHCP’s only kick in if the school can evidence that they are providing support above and beyond what is ‘reasonable’ and for over (I think) 13 hours. 

    Make sure you document everything and keep scrupulous records. 

    If you are desperate, I have known parents to trigger a child in need assessment because there is then a statutory requirement to support a disabled child in need.

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