

My son is always tapping and drumming and chanting football songs. Is this a form of stimming? He has recently been diagnosed with asd.


  • Tapping and drumming certainly are. Repeating phrases etc can be common in autism. I'm not sure if it's classed as stimming though. Does he really like football? It may be more his enjoyment of football. But it could possibly be stimming.

  • My daughter daughter repeats parts of songs over and over while skipping back and forward across the room she can do it for hours! It is her way of calming down. 

  • I'm fairly newly diagnosed and not sure exactly what is definitely stimming or not but I have these traits. I sing small parts of songs over and over again. Sometimes it can be the same line over and over or sometimes it's not even the words and just the orchestration... I think it is possibly a form of stimming. It feels necessary and good, it not a choice, it just happens... I manage to control it around others who aren't aware of my diagnosis as I've been masking for many years but when I'm at home or with my parents then it happens and I'm okay with that. When I'm masking around people who don't know then my "stimming" is less vocal and more movement based... I don't know whether the vocal stuff comes under echolalia... I have a tendency to repeat words, phrases, sounds, etc too...

  • Hi

    It tends to be more football chanting, not really a whole song more certain phrases/chants over and over.

  • I had no idea about stimming until i was reading up on ASD and I thought, well I don't do that. But then my partner pointed out my hands are never still. I am always twisting my hair or twitching my fingers or tapping a pen. And my feet are never still. I had no idea I was doing any of this. I suppose this would be stimming. I also can't stop it. If I try not to do it it feels as if I'm holding my breath. So I guess it depends if your son is conciously aware of it and if he does it when not singing football songs. 

  • Hi,

    Possibly, tapping and drumming are quite common, as for singing football songs It might be a vocal stim but maybe he just likes to sing them? Is he singing the whole song or just bits of it?