Christmas gift ideas?

I would appreciate some advice about the kind of gift to buy a 8 year old non-verbal low functioning autistic child. He plays on his iPad but I haven't seen him play with other toys. I'd prefer not to just have to buy him clothes as that can't be much fun for any child and he must receive a lot of them as gifts.

Any suggestions or examples of gifts I can buy him that are simple and easy to use but also enjoyable?

  • What about a sensory toy?  Or something for his room eg a bubble tube.  Maybe ask his parents for guidance - they probably have lots of ideas about things he'd like but sensory toys can be way more expensive then just hitting up toys R us for the latest action figure.  

    Also you say you'd prefer not to buy him clothes -some autistic kids really go through clothes like you wouldn't believe so I wouldn't necessarily dismiss it.  Mum and dad might be desperate for a new pair of trainers (you could make them 'fun' by putting in cool laces, or buying ones with lights in). 

    also I found this blog from Scope - might be useful.

  • Musical instrument of some sort?  Needn't be expensive, but might give him a creative outlet.