Struggling with this Forum


I am really finding it difficult and feeling guilty; I have read many posts on here and havee started to make replies, sometimes spending a couple of hours, but just burn out and don't have enough energy and end up discarding many replies



  • Hello Random

    1. Feeling guilty or that you should be more capable, is not that unusual to begin with, but we are all here welcomed equally for what we can and what we cannot do.      

    2. Take then as much time as you need to write your comments. I have found that as such, I am less distracted from and more attentive to the things that I can do, along with gaining more respect for those things which I am unable to do.   

    3. I could not for instance write my first commentary in anything less than six full days a month or so back. Now I am writing them in about twenty-four hours. As such, I needed to learn not to freak out so much, and am thus more focused on not freaking in, not getting fragged up and not burning out.

    4. Talking of which, I needed to start resting or sleeping two hours ago, I will edit the last two or three lines in later.

  • I'm still trying to get over the guilt of not replying thing.  It's much easier to tell other people not to feel that way!  But the reality is that nobody really cares about a tardy reply or none at all: it's always nice to see one but nobody's put out if someone retires from the conversation or takes a long break any more than they do when it's a friend down the pub doing the same thing.

    I can endlessly pontificate about it and in this regard I know I'm right, but I admit I'm also plagued by that nagging obligation where none exists.

  • You are not compelled to reply to each post. You do so as the inspiration drives you to. Please don't feel guilty for not joining in as much as some of us do and just take it bit by bit.

  • Help is free (sort of), as are posts on here. There is no shortage of people helping eachother here it seems, maybe you do have insight into something and really could help someone, but others could have the same insight, or similar, and still help just as much. Posting needn't feel like an obligation, as such you should have no guilt when choosing not to post.

  • Hi Random,

    You don't have to feel guilty.  I have the same problem sometimes.

    For me it's a concentration thing.  Plus my mind is always an out pouring of my thoughts ideas and arguments as to what's tactful & useful to post. As not wishing to offend but feel the  need to give honest opinions.  

    Having my own issues at present so dealing with or not dealing with them doesn't help my concentration.  Can relate to your post.  
