Finding a job

I've recently had all my benefits stopped and have been told I have to find a job. I haven't had a job in over 10 years and even just thinking about it makes me feel sick and anxious. I can't even bring myself to look at a job search website, let alone go to the job centre, go to interviews or......go to work!! What am I supposed to do? I have no money coming in at all now. I could in theory apply for job seekers allowance but I know I'd be kicked off of it almost straight away because I wouldn't be able to apply for all the jobs they tell me too. I'm feeling abandoned by the system and completely without help. Almost feel like I'm being punished for having ASD :(

  • Yeah I was on ESA and failed the assessment. I was diagnosed with ASD at the end of last year. I've been on ESA for several years but it was only when I told them I had ASD that I was suddenly cut off. I've appealed the dwp decision already and failed. Tribunal is a option although it feels pretty pointless. Dwp seems pretty adament that my ASD doesn't qualify me for ESA. 

  • Yeah I was on ESA and failed the assessment. I was diagnosed with ASD at the end of last year. I've been on ESA for several years but it was only when I told them I had ASD that I was suddenly cut off. I've appealed the dwp decision already and failed. Tribunal is a option although it feels pretty pointless. Dwp seems pretty adament that my ASD doesn't qualify me for ESA. 

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