Do you like christmas?

This is my least fave time of year.

My family consistently throw a big Christmas party and I'm sure they know it unsettles me but they still do it anyway. Loud music. Loads of people. A whole weekend of this and I'm trapped in the house. I like Christmas music if it's played quietly and the decorations can look nice but the busy city and large gatherings make it a really unsettling time for me and when my house is suddenly like it as well I get the usual sense of dread.

Yesterday my parents informed me this year there will be another party for me to endure. My dad says if I don't like it I could move. I will move out for definite when I can afford it, money is tight as I've only just got in to the workplace and my chosen job nursery assistant the pay sucks LMAO so for now I'm having to save and save and save to afford the finer luxury of escaping my parents house. Sadly despite my trying to explain about autism they don't get it. I'll be 25 next year and I'm hoping at some point then I'll be able to look in to renting an apartment, if I can afford Londons rather expensive properties.

  • I strongly suspect Christmas is a way of coping for most people

     A way of coping with the dark. If there were no extra twinkly lights, no decorations, a festival at the darkest time of year, it would be a pretty miserable time of year. It's something to look forward to, then after that, the days are slowly getting longer again. 

    My parents are dead, I'm in a long distance relationship, and during the pandemic and at other times. Christmas for one is manageable. A turkey wing is enough to make a decent Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, alongside a decent glass of wine. 

    And I have grown to appreciate having a holiday, and time to do my thing! That will change now, as I'm retired now, or at least, semi retired. So presents and a feast are all fine. 

    There were some pretty grim Christmases in the past though, some family members drinking too much, rows, things being said. There was the Christmas I had food poisoning, the time my brother drank a whole bottle of port in bed and nearly died, and was given salt water to drink so that he would bring it all up. The shutdown in the UK certainly had a way of forcing family members who maybe didn't get on massively plenty of time to get on each other's nerves.