
Nasty snappy, scaley things, spiteful and overmighty, deciding what we can and can't do, horrible things. Is this the future? Humans having less control as these nasty things take over and we've not even got to AI yet.

I want a nice deep cave that I can fit out and hide in for the rest of my life, most animals welcome.

  • I do largely agree with you. I have become more of a luddite in my advancing years.

    When it comes to this site and the spam/abuse detection, NAS are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    They either employ 24/7 real human mods at great expense, who have to check through every post, or they automate it and fall foul of false positives (spam/abuse that gets through) and false negatives (legitimate posts not getting through)

    I wish it was less painful for us folks though.

  • I think I've always had luddite tendecies, but then my approach to a lot of things is poke it with a stick, or thump it and see if that fixes it, although thats probably a hangover from old tv's that frequently needed a thump to get them working properly.

    It does seem odd to me that with more and more sophisticated computing, something like spam and abuse filters get things so wrong.

  •  it is more like an escalating cold war.

    I'll explain...

    Computers would be able to detect spam etc effectively if the techniques stayed the same. But people learn ways to get around those detections. So new detection algorithms are then needed. And then people work out how to get around them. It goes on and on and on, and never ends. It is like a cold war. It's sad.

  • It's a game I really don't want to have to play anymore, it's such a waste of time and energy. It's depressing too.

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