Poll on organisational tools

Hello all autistic adults Slight smile

I got a post diagnosis course (unusual I know, BASS is great post diagnosis) and on it we discussed many ways of managing organisation and discovered most of us (all adults) used whiteboards, or occasionally flipcharts. The person running the group said that he found this was very common amongst autistic adults, and it is the case that all autistic adults I have met since, have a whiteboard. 

So I wanted to open it to the wider community. I'm accepting diagnosed and self diagnosed, but do ask that parents or partners of autistic people who are not autistic themselves don't use the main poll, feel free to comment below though!

This is just a bit of fun and not in any way official research or a good method of research. I also wanted to try making the poll

  • I find this really interesting and I love the idea behind this poll. However - and this is probably very autistic of me, and I apologise if it seems that I'm not entering into the spirit of this poll (which is not my intention) - I'm finding that I really can't answer the question as it's been asked. Cold sweat

    I frequently use several different organisational methods for different purposes. And I'm finding, as I try to join in, that I just can't isolate any single one of them that I could say I use the most frequently or find the most effective. I'm afraid the question has thrown my mind into a panic! JoyBlush

    On that basis, I've answered "Other" - so sorry!

    For example, I feel that I rely equally on:

    • Apps combined with a paper checklist for taking and recording my various medications throughout the day (both tools being equally important).
    • Paper notebooks (different ones for different subject areas) for preparing for (eg scripting) and recording all important conversations, whether by phone or in person.
    • Apps (more than one) for managing my diary and important, scheduled, "to-do" activities.
    • Paper lists for helping me to remember, plan and check off my current tasks.

    I did have a large whiteboard, but the idea of using it exceeded my ability to use it reliably Slight smile I also didn't like having all of my to-do items on show to anyone who might see it. I took it to the recycling centre in the end!


  • I find this really interesting and I love the idea behind this poll. However - and this is probably very autistic of me, and I apologise if it seems that I'm not entering into the spirit of this poll (which is not my intention) - I'm finding that I really can't answer the question as it's been asked. Cold sweat

    I frequently use several different organisational methods for different purposes. And I'm finding, as I try to join in, that I just can't isolate any single one of them that I could say I use the most frequently or find the most effective. I'm afraid the question has thrown my mind into a panic! JoyBlush

    On that basis, I've answered "Other" - so sorry!

    For example, I feel that I rely equally on:

    • Apps combined with a paper checklist for taking and recording my various medications throughout the day (both tools being equally important).
    • Paper notebooks (different ones for different subject areas) for preparing for (eg scripting) and recording all important conversations, whether by phone or in person.
    • Apps (more than one) for managing my diary and important, scheduled, "to-do" activities.
    • Paper lists for helping me to remember, plan and check off my current tasks.

    I did have a large whiteboard, but the idea of using it exceeded my ability to use it reliably Slight smile I also didn't like having all of my to-do items on show to anyone who might see it. I took it to the recycling centre in the end!

