When do you put up your Christmas tree?

I know, I know - it's still September (although only just)!

If you're among those of us who celebrate Christmas - or who otherwise enjoy the seasonal decorations and festivities - when do you prefer to put your tree up?

In my case, I've been stealthily bringing the date forward over each of the last few years. I love the twinkling tree lights, sitting to the side of my view in the living room each evening. And I find it generally helps to lift my mood Smile

I wondered whether anyone else here might also be in the habit of banking extra seasonal pleasure by doing the same? Santa 

  • I always used to aim for the beginning of December, but due to a tendency to want it looking almost as though it had been professionally decorated, I wasn't averse to taking everything back off the tree and starting again... and again. Laughing

    Ever since I was a young child, I have always loved looking at Christmas lights and decorations. My maternal grandmother wouldn't put her tree up until Christmas Eve, which used to horrify me. I'm very much of the view that if I have gone to the effort of putting up a tree and decorating it, plus the money I've invested in lights and decorations over the years, I don't want to be busting a gut taking it back down after a matter of days. 

  • My non-autistic wife would be behind you 100% on the professional decoration. I prefer the child's view of lots of tinsel and colours - which she has begrudgingly grown to actually like.

  • I'm very pleased that your wife has 'begrudgingly' grown to like tinsel. I know there are some people who really don't like it and thinks it looks awful, but I think tinsel on a tree helps to make it look more Christmassy.

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