When do you put up your Christmas tree?

I know, I know - it's still September (although only just)!

If you're among those of us who celebrate Christmas - or who otherwise enjoy the seasonal decorations and festivities - when do you prefer to put your tree up?

In my case, I've been stealthily bringing the date forward over each of the last few years. I love the twinkling tree lights, sitting to the side of my view in the living room each evening. And I find it generally helps to lift my mood Smile

I wondered whether anyone else here might also be in the habit of banking extra seasonal pleasure by doing the same? Santa 

  • We normally get our Xmas tree on the first weekend of December sometimes the 2nd depends how busy my dad is lolol.

    Decorating the tree is always fun I like wrapping the tinsel all round the branches, my mum does the baubles and wall decs and my dads the poor sap who's got to untagnle the lights Grin we got special lights which are meant to stay untangled and last year they were still tangled come Xmas it was hilarious!

    I would love to put the tree up earlier but I don't think my parents will go for it ^^

  • We normally get our Xmas tree on the first weekend of December sometimes the 2nd depends how busy my dad is lolol.

    Decorating the tree is always fun I like wrapping the tinsel all round the branches, my mum does the baubles and wall decs and my dads the poor sap who's got to untagnle the lights Grin we got special lights which are meant to stay untangled and last year they were still tangled come Xmas it was hilarious!

    I would love to put the tree up earlier but I don't think my parents will go for it ^^
