When do you put up your Christmas tree?

I know, I know - it's still September (although only just)!

If you're among those of us who celebrate Christmas - or who otherwise enjoy the seasonal decorations and festivities - when do you prefer to put your tree up?

In my case, I've been stealthily bringing the date forward over each of the last few years. I love the twinkling tree lights, sitting to the side of my view in the living room each evening. And I find it generally helps to lift my mood Smile

I wondered whether anyone else here might also be in the habit of banking extra seasonal pleasure by doing the same? Santa 

  • You swore!

    You are not allowed to mention Christmas until December (although I can't avoid it in the shops).

    I laud your enthusiasm.

    The beginning of December is my reply and it's one of the very few (only?) aspects of Christmas I like.

    Christmas tree

  • You swore!

    You are not allowed to mention Christmas until December (although I can't avoid it in the shops).

    I laud your enthusiasm.

    The beginning of December is my reply and it's one of the very few (only?) aspects of Christmas I like.

    Christmas tree

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