Vitamin B6

I am thinking about giving my Son who's 8 Vitamin B6 but does anyone know how effective,  the benefits  or how safe it is?

  • I've replied, including some links for your reference, but the post has been placed in spam quarantine, so will appear in due course, once it's been released by the mods.

    The gist is that I suggest you consult your son's GP because a) we can't give medical advice here and b) there can be detrimental side effects. 

  • I've replied, including some links for your reference, but the post has been placed in spam quarantine, so will appear in due course, once it's been released by the mods.

    The gist is that I suggest you consult your son's GP because a) we can't give medical advice here and b) there can be detrimental side effects. 

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