Help with Late diagnosis.

I’m due for my initial assessment through right to chose and I’m just so nervous about what’s going to happen and the process of it all.

is anyone able to help me prepare for it? What to expect etc? 

  • This is just my opinion, but I would gather as much related information about yourself and keep it in a word, or phone document. You can't be expected to remember all this stuff on the day, but somehow they do.

    Stuff like fitting in, social skills, bullying, special interests, sensory things and any anecdotes that support these. These still keep coming to me months after my assessment, so start keeping notes now. If you have any school reports that you think may back up your potential diagnosis then dig them out.

    If you have an ADOS-2 test after the initial assessment (probably weeks) try not to prepare for that at all because you'll think yourself in knots. As far as I remember the 'tests' themselves are not what they seem on the surface (not scary though!!) so you probably need to be yourself. If you prepare you may not react as you would normally.

  • This is just my opinion, but I would gather as much related information about yourself and keep it in a word, or phone document. You can't be expected to remember all this stuff on the day, but somehow they do.

    Stuff like fitting in, social skills, bullying, special interests, sensory things and any anecdotes that support these. These still keep coming to me months after my assessment, so start keeping notes now. If you have any school reports that you think may back up your potential diagnosis then dig them out.

    If you have an ADOS-2 test after the initial assessment (probably weeks) try not to prepare for that at all because you'll think yourself in knots. As far as I remember the 'tests' themselves are not what they seem on the surface (not scary though!!) so you probably need to be yourself. If you prepare you may not react as you would normally.
