Save I Sperg's Film Night!!!

Hi Mr. Sperg and other esteemed members of the forum.

Over the past few days, I have seen you mention your film night a few times. You said you didn't want suggestions, but then you mentioned it again - which I feel does invite open discussion despite what you say.

I love the the idea of a film night, but you previously said to me that you can't change the time and things like that.

Here are the things that put me off - 1. Mainly the time! 2, But then if I am honest, also watching via Zoom when I like the spectacle of a big screen with decent sound and no interruptions. 3. The possibility that Zoom will take away anonymity.

I have a suggestion that will in no way interfere with what you are already trying to do, but may add to it...

Tell us the film that you are going to watch a few days in advance, and create a thread for it.

I will endeavour to watch within a few days and discuss it on the thread. Ideally it would be a film that I can stream, or stream cheaply (Amazon Prime 'rents' a load of films that are not available for free.) I may even already have it.

Others may be willing to do this too.

Just an idea - even though you say that you have heard all the possible ideas. I can't see what you have to lose.

  • Thank you very much. I can't remember sayng that I cannot alter the start time, but I probably was reluctant, having already tried that before. I thnk the earliest we started was 6, I favoured 8 but we ended up with 9.00

    I'll also reply to items 1.2.& 3 

    1.Time, I don't mind. 2. Using free zoom does force a brief interruption  in practie we tend to minimise the first one, then take a longer break with the second one. I personally find film watching less like hard work if I take regular breaks. I see the zoom breaks as very analogous to the ad breaks you get wth T.V.  For some reason none of my friends who has tried hosting a film seem to get the smoothness or the rez that I do. I wanted to try casting to our big screen but it's 3 doorways away from where I operate my computer, and usually in use anyway by my O/H during film night. 

    ZOOM and anonymity, poses the same problem I encountered recently where discord changed it's terms to include using your sessions for it's own purposes, and I believe the concern with zoom is that it reserves the same right.

    It's one of the reasons I suggest that people just watch the film quietly and talk about it elsewhere. 

    But to be honest, if you want to keep any anonymity or privacy, STAY OFF THE INTERNET!!

    Get rid of all "smart devices" (including your smart meters) and loose that mobile phone! Drive an older, pre2000 car. 

    Not going to happen, is it?

    Increasingly, real privacy will be a thing of the past, and anonymity only obtained by being so uninteresting  in your activities, that no one wants to look! 

  • Thank you very much. I can't remember sayng that I cannot alter the start time, but I probably was reluctant, having already tried that before. I thnk the earliest we started was 6, I favoured 8 but we ended up with 9.00

    I'll also reply to items 1.2.& 3 

    1.Time, I don't mind. 2. Using free zoom does force a brief interruption  in practie we tend to minimise the first one, then take a longer break with the second one. I personally find film watching less like hard work if I take regular breaks. I see the zoom breaks as very analogous to the ad breaks you get wth T.V.  For some reason none of my friends who has tried hosting a film seem to get the smoothness or the rez that I do. I wanted to try casting to our big screen but it's 3 doorways away from where I operate my computer, and usually in use anyway by my O/H during film night. 

    ZOOM and anonymity, poses the same problem I encountered recently where discord changed it's terms to include using your sessions for it's own purposes, and I believe the concern with zoom is that it reserves the same right.

    It's one of the reasons I suggest that people just watch the film quietly and talk about it elsewhere. 

    But to be honest, if you want to keep any anonymity or privacy, STAY OFF THE INTERNET!!

    Get rid of all "smart devices" (including your smart meters) and loose that mobile phone! Drive an older, pre2000 car. 

    Not going to happen, is it?

    Increasingly, real privacy will be a thing of the past, and anonymity only obtained by being so uninteresting  in your activities, that no one wants to look! 
