Save I Sperg's Film Night!!!

Hi Mr. Sperg and other esteemed members of the forum.

Over the past few days, I have seen you mention your film night a few times. You said you didn't want suggestions, but then you mentioned it again - which I feel does invite open discussion despite what you say.

I love the the idea of a film night, but you previously said to me that you can't change the time and things like that.

Here are the things that put me off - 1. Mainly the time! 2, But then if I am honest, also watching via Zoom when I like the spectacle of a big screen with decent sound and no interruptions. 3. The possibility that Zoom will take away anonymity.

I have a suggestion that will in no way interfere with what you are already trying to do, but may add to it...

Tell us the film that you are going to watch a few days in advance, and create a thread for it.

I will endeavour to watch within a few days and discuss it on the thread. Ideally it would be a film that I can stream, or stream cheaply (Amazon Prime 'rents' a load of films that are not available for free.) I may even already have it.

Others may be willing to do this too.

Just an idea - even though you say that you have heard all the possible ideas. I can't see what you have to lose.

  • I was also invited for a film night but I can’t take part in it. I would have maybe enjoyed that if I could enjoy watching movies in general. And one more problem- I often don’t get the plot, intentions of the characters, etc and I ask questions that others call “stupid” and it annoys them. I hardly ever watch a movie in full. Usually after 20-30 minutes I feel tired of it and just stop or stand up and leave. Anyway, enjoy your film night! No offence please, I just can’t. Plus there are some other mental health issues that make me often feel fatigued or not fully feeling myself. Can’t even explain. 

  • I was also invited for a film night but I can’t take part in it. I would have maybe enjoyed that if I could enjoy watching movies in general. And one more problem- I often don’t get the plot, intentions of the characters, etc and I ask questions that others call “stupid” and it annoys them. I hardly ever watch a movie in full. Usually after 20-30 minutes I feel tired of it and just stop or stand up and leave. Anyway, enjoy your film night! No offence please, I just can’t. Plus there are some other mental health issues that make me often feel fatigued or not fully feeling myself. Can’t even explain. 

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