Animals watching telly

We've been watching Big Cats 24/7 on BBC 2, my dog Fearn loves it, she licked lion cubs, tried to break up a fight and wanted to hunt with the lionesses and a cheetah.

She likes watching any wildlife program and gardeners world, especially when Adam Frost is on as she loves his cat and dog, I think there might be something in his voice that she responds too as well. One time she started barking at cats on the telly and running between our cats and the tv, obviously trying to protect out cats from those on the telly.

I wonder what she see's and experiences via the tv? She obviously knows (most of the time), that it's not real, she'd never tried to climb into the telly or go round the back to see if whatever she's watching is there too.

I've had plenty of cats who like wildlife programs too especially ones with birds in and show jumping, I had one cat who'd avidly watch the horses and try and catch them, she was never bothered with horse racing though?

My Mum's old cat used to love watching snooker!

  • This is adorable and reminds me of my partners parent's dog Kayla. We often will be sitting together with the tv on in the living room and at random points she will look up to the tv and just watch it for a little while. Especially whilst others dogs are on the screen.

  • This is adorable and reminds me of my partners parent's dog Kayla. We often will be sitting together with the tv on in the living room and at random points she will look up to the tv and just watch it for a little while. Especially whilst others dogs are on the screen.

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