Friends or rather the lack of them

I was driving through town one evening and a group of men dressed in causal clothing were obviously heading out to a bar together.

They were all ages 60+ and looked comfortable together, as if they'd been doing this for years/decades.

I said to my wife that I can't seem to justify the effort to maintain a friendship like that. Even at school I had a very limited friendship group which pretty much vanished once life started to get in the way (work, relationships etc).

My wife said "that's just the way you are" and that pretty much ended that conversation.

I don't know if it's my definition or friendship. I obviously am aware of others in my limited circle. I work and have work colleagues that I get along with but I'd never want to socially interact outside of work.(I do get invited out but I decline) 

I have very limited interest in anyone outside my own household and that includes immediate family.

It does feel a little isolating at times I suppose. 

Anyway forgive the ramble 

  • I find friendships extremely exhausting however I do have a couple of friends but I probably only see them a few times a year.

    I can just about manage short socialising periods with my partners friends but this can leave me feeling exhausted and I find it so much effort and realise that I just can’t seem to manage this socialising lark like I wish I could. I do sometimes look at people and think, how do they have so much to talk about, how can they go about conversation so freely and with such confidence and conviction and I do at times feel a bit sad about it but I’m coming to the point of acceptance, that friendships to me are different to what i once thought they should be.

    Ive only just been diagnosed with ASD in July, and I’m now realising so many things about myself and feel I can finally unmask and be me. Though this is coming with a huge amount of emotional challenges.

    I’m finding a lot of comfort in this forum though even after only joining 2 days ago, I have realised that wow I really do have ASD and things past and present really are starting to make sense for the first time.

  • I find friendships extremely exhausting however I do have a couple of friends but I probably only see them a few times a year.

    I can just about manage short socialising periods with my partners friends but this can leave me feeling exhausted and I find it so much effort and realise that I just can’t seem to manage this socialising lark like I wish I could. I do sometimes look at people and think, how do they have so much to talk about, how can they go about conversation so freely and with such confidence and conviction and I do at times feel a bit sad about it but I’m coming to the point of acceptance, that friendships to me are different to what i once thought they should be.

    Ive only just been diagnosed with ASD in July, and I’m now realising so many things about myself and feel I can finally unmask and be me. Though this is coming with a huge amount of emotional challenges.

    I’m finding a lot of comfort in this forum though even after only joining 2 days ago, I have realised that wow I really do have ASD and things past and present really are starting to make sense for the first time.

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