
I recently watched a terrible YouTube video about autism by someone who called himself a professional. So I wrote the poem below:

Understand This

I would rather talk to a dog

or disclose to a frog

or confide in a chicken

or divulge to a budgie

or relate to a snake

or reveal to an eel

or tell a gerbil how I really feel

than seek understanding

from someone

who believes

that autistic people

are less human than they are.

  • You started me off now... Here's my effort:

    "What is Autism?"

    One answer to your question

    is heightened sensory perception

    Hyperfocus, creativity,

    and learning visually

    Great pattern recognition

    and logical cognition

    Compassionate empathy

    and a good long term memory

    Attention to detail is a trait

    and problem solving can be great

    Those on the spectrum are never "Less"

    and sometimes they can be the best

  • You started me off now... Here's my effort:

    "What is Autism?"

    One answer to your question

    is heightened sensory perception

    Hyperfocus, creativity,

    and learning visually

    Great pattern recognition

    and logical cognition

    Compassionate empathy

    and a good long term memory

    Attention to detail is a trait

    and problem solving can be great

    Those on the spectrum are never "Less"

    and sometimes they can be the best

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