
My kiddo doesn't eat much,, they went from sauce, to, chips, and not goldfish crackers. And as far as drinking is concerned it's just juice. They used to drink just milk for the first few years when the doctor wanted to try pedisure. That didn't work and nor does milk anymore. Iron and potassium is low and doctor is taking about inserting a feeling tube. Currently my kiddo is in feedings therapy but they are just at the point of feeling different textures of food. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?

  • Hi and welcome to the community.

    I'm sorry to hear about your child's eating problems. Given that they're already in therapy, you (and their therapist) have probably already come across all or most of the NAS's advice, but I'll post a link here for you, just in case there's something helpful:

    NAS - Eating