Right to choose

Does anyone know if there is a similar service to the 'right to choose' scheme? It isn't available in Wales and I've been researching and researching to see if there is anything similar here but I've had no luck.

I really feel that a huge wait time (which I know is probably inevitable) will be super difficult. I'm looking for an assessment for both myself and my child. I wonder if I can call for both of us at the same time? I struggle with communicating effectively anyway so this is a pretty hard deal for me to even pick up the phone and speak, especially about something so important. 

I'm at the point where my ND is clashing with my child's ND (we are self diagnosed ATM, however I've know for a while that I'm auDHD, and my child is showing prominent signs of ADHD) I'm struggling with keeping calm, when I'm trying to calm my child down, I don't really understand the emotions I feel and I can't help him with his as I have no idea where to start. He's seeing how I handle things in the wrong way :(

I'm just at a point where I need some help. I'm struggling to make the call, know what to say, be calm, be less irritable, be happy! I'm ranting I think. TIA x

  • It might be worth asking for guidance via the relevant area team within the list on this Contact Us page (North Wales (Betsi Cadwaladr):


  • I'm in north Wales 

  • What part of Wales are you in? Different parts and health trusts have different policies.

  • I believe that your only alternative option in Wales (vs waiting for NHS assessments) would be private assessments.

    However, you mention that you suspect you both have ADHD. As I understand it, if you have a private ADHD assessment you will also have to pay privately for any ADHD medications unless your GP is willing to accept a shared care application (which enables medications to be provided via the NHS).

    Unfortunately, according to this recent ITV report (April 2024): "In Wales, just 19% of people who applied for shared care with their GP had it accepted, according to an exclusive ADHD UK survey for ITV Cymru Wales" - which may make private assessment a less attractive option. 


    In respect of ADHD, you might find the information here helpful:


    In respect of autism, the NAS's diagnosis hub has lots of useful information:


  • Just another thought, we have a local ish charity which offers free advice. Do you have anything similar in your area?              
    They helped me with choosing how to proceed with my son’s assessment. I don’t think they can give tailored guidance but can give the right things to seek and questions to ask. 

  • Hi Dani

    we are on a right to choose pathway but are in England. I wasn’t aware it wasn’t available in Wales and sorry to hear that. 
    Yes waiting times are unfortunately far too long especially if your child needs an early diagnosis to get the support they may need. 
    There are plenty of threads on here that you can look through, so I am  pretty sure there will be people on here that have gone through the same experience. 
    Have you looked into private assessments? From what I have read some are not recognised as an official diagnosis but if they are NHS affiliated they can be. I’m not 100% on that as like I said I have seen this mentioned before but it may help. 
    use the search bar at the top to be specific and it will throw up lots of related stuff.

    Hope that helps