If you were a tree which would you be?

I think I'd be a rowan tree, they're not massive, but small elegant and gracefull, they have lovely leaves and berries and live on the edge of forests rather than in the middle.

  • This reminds me of the ancient tree alphabet of Ireland, called the Ogham ("Oh-um") alphabet. I tried to study it for a time, even though I'm not familiar with all the different types of trees that make up the alphabet.

    It's written by having a single vertical line drawn first (representing the "trunk" of the tree), and then each letter is written from bottom to the top, as the roots start from the bottom, and the tree grows upwards towards the top.

    A tree that makes me nervous, is the poisonous manchineel tree. Every part of this tree is toxic, and even touching it will cause blisters to form and irritation. It's incredibly toxic during rain as well, as the toxic compounds can drip off the leaves and onto skin, so standing underneath it during rainfall would be a bad idea. 

    I did grow up with a magnolia tree though. It's bright pink hue, and soft leaves, were comforting. They're one of my favourite trees.

  • This reminds me of the ancient tree alphabet of Ireland, called the Ogham ("Oh-um") alphabet. I tried to study it for a time, even though I'm not familiar with all the different types of trees that make up the alphabet.

    It's written by having a single vertical line drawn first (representing the "trunk" of the tree), and then each letter is written from bottom to the top, as the roots start from the bottom, and the tree grows upwards towards the top.

    A tree that makes me nervous, is the poisonous manchineel tree. Every part of this tree is toxic, and even touching it will cause blisters to form and irritation. It's incredibly toxic during rain as well, as the toxic compounds can drip off the leaves and onto skin, so standing underneath it during rainfall would be a bad idea. 

    I did grow up with a magnolia tree though. It's bright pink hue, and soft leaves, were comforting. They're one of my favourite trees.

  • I've studied ogham, both as a language or writing system and as a divination system. It's hard to do as a writing system I think I'd have to learn ancient Irish to understand it properly and it's possible that the language has changed so much that decyphering it takes a lot of linguistic skill, a skill I don't have. I did have an ongoing argument with one of my Uni lecturers about how old the language was, with her arguing for the late 1st centuary AD and me for something much earlier, we enjoyed these debates.