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Constitutional reforms?

Do we need them, I think we do, I don't like the first past the post system and would like to see some form of PR,although I'm not sure which version yet.

I did find something I agreed with Jacob Rees Mogg about, not something that happens often, that a new PM should hold an election to get a mandate from the country. We had Truss and Sunak foisted on us, it's all very well sayiing that in a party system you vote for a party not a person, but when a new PM comes in mid term, they seem to rip up the manifesto of the previous incumbant and do something completely different that no body asked for. The idea that a small percentage of the population, those who are Tory Party members can foist their will on he rest of us is ridiculous, of course it could happen with any party, but it has happened with the Tories more recently and often.

I think reshuffles should be kept to a minimum too, ministers need about a year to really get to grips with their brief and start making changes, many are in place for about this time or less before being replaced by someone who has to go through the same process all over again. It dosen't lead to coherant management or policy.

Id like to see the second chamber reformed but I'm not sure how, I don't like all the superannuated politicians, crony's and hereditary peers, but whats the alternative? WOuld we have the same lot of failed politicians seeking reelection to the second chamber, would we end up with a situation like America often does, where govermnet grinds to a halt because what one house does the other blocks?

I'm a reluctant royalist, I dont' like the idea of kings and queens, but I like the idea of a President Blair or Johnson even less.

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    Rosie Mod 

  • You are actually putting in so much effrot here that you are counting your words??

    (And that really IS a WEAK answer to my calling out the nature of the people who ALWAYS start the unpleasantness here). 

    I see your "diatribes" and raise you a bunch of "Asinine Bloviation". I'll give you the last word here and look forwards to the next time you or your type come an take a pop at me or my kind.

    I KNOW there will be one, based on the last three years.

    I got the measure of you, Debbie, a few months back when you actually started trying to tell the MODS how they should be running their forum!

    This place is for ALL of us, and  not just your "type" of person. You and yrou ilk are going to have to learn to accept my type of diversity, gracefully.

    That's all there is to it. 

  • Nice way you guys have turned the driection of conversation by the way. Very nice. (/s) Never takes you leftists long to start talking about hurting people, does it? YEs, you started that line of conversation, and over the last few years I've noticed it really IS the leftists who always start talking about violence.

    I've actually only used 11 words on this thread with regard to your diatribes, but you have used hundreds.

  • inconvemnient little fact, but every time the left has been allowed it's head it results in mass deaths (like the holodomor) that DWARF anything National socialism has ever achieved..

    You are just offering a choice between being shot in a field or or gassed in a death camp. Left / Right, Blue White, It's all so bloody banal..

    Nice way you guys have turned the driection of conversation by the way. Very nice. (/s) Never takes you leftists long to start talking about hurting people, does it? YEs, you started that line of conversation, and over the last few years I've noticed it really IS the leftists who always start talking about violence.


    And to complain about me trying to silence you for having an inconvenient point of view, that's how we roll here. A few momths ago I had someone flag about ten of my postings going back as far as two years right before a bank holiday. reporting people for saying "the wrong thing" IS what we do here! (IN between calling each other emotive names and casting aspersions and leaping joyously to the conclusions that suit US & OUR emotional needs.

    Isn't it good? Such a lovely way to get along? 

  • . Us "racists" want to preserve an element of our unique cultural identity which includes certain values, ideas, and ways of doing things

    Oh yes, I know. 

    As for you reporting me for abuse - I said nothing that isn't a fact, made no personal remarks about anyone. 

    I can only conclude that your actions were intended to silence me for expressing a view with which you disagree. 

    Whatever. I have better things to do.

  • they are being legalised under the left wing socialists though, so again its the socialism part of national socialism that is the problem.

    modern gas chambers include assisted suicide programmes such as dignitas that lefties support, many countries are getting that or a equivalent now and it allows depressed young kids with no problems to use it... 

    also mass abortions too, which are murdering human beings in a faster rate than anything in history, that is good to left wingers and you all want that no?

    life is sacred, and its the left doing everything to discard millions of lives in todays world. its the socialists, and i believe they have always been the issue and everything else has just been a scapegoat.

    hitler once proclaimed he was a socialist and vows to destroy capitalism...

  • you know nothing about the subject then as oswald mosley was infact the father of the EU, everything farage opposes and took us out of.

    it was oswald mosley that was the very first person to term and create the term of a "european union" of which he got that from hitler and after his death he was the first person to then propose this european union.... but he did it in britain, we all voted no and told him to bog off.... he then left the country as he wasnt loved here, he moved to france, he spread his idea, he died, his predecessors then created the european union.... so when you learn the truth you realise farage is actually opposite of mosley...

    but yeah, mosley wasnt a fascist he was a national socialist, so yeah, fascism can be a opposite of national socialism... monarchism can be too... just basic nationalism could be, the problem part of that combo was the socialism part. we had many forms of national for time immemorial and it never caused issues, its only a issue when this nationalism that added socialism to it came about...

  • And if we were to get PROPER fascism, maybe the cost of a train ticket would be affordable,

    It would be free.

    On the way to the gas chambers.

  • I believe you are the only person I've reported for abuse since I joined this site, but if after all this "to and fro" involving multiple posters you guys cannot see how close your behavior and attitudes are to those who you profess to oppose, I don't think I'm going to be able to make it any more clear. 

    I did at least let you know, and it's nothing personal, I'm opposed to the process of demonising people (even pukka fascists) on the strength of their differences. 

    Personally any ideology that pivots aorund the concept of identifyng a sub group of humans as "vermin" whether ultra right or ultra left can't get my vote, simply becuause I know when they run out of whatever scapegoat they started out with, eventually they'll get around to me. 

    But when people start usng trigger words and concepts to label a group of people, it's not being nice, it's owt to do with Autism, it's just bullying behavour and in my opinion needs to be stopped. 

    And if we were to get PROPER fascism, maybe the cost of a train ticket would be affordable, the train clean and well presented, and on time! When you got in it, under a proper full on right wing regime at it's peak, there wouldn't be drunkards or loud people or would-be muggers sizing you up from the dank looking floors, as you look for a workng toilet, oh no! 

    To be honest, if they were to put some honesty and productivity back into the country, I could even see my way clear to standing in centenery square in fancy dress shouting hail Nigel!!

    BUT, we are British, we don't need to go around persecuting people, not our style. We just need to weed out the troublemakers, and manage the situation so as our uniqueness is preserved. 

    As for the ever lurking charge of "Racism", the logical inconsistency is enormous. Us "racists" want to preserve an element of our unique cultural identity which includes certain values, ideas, and ways of doing things. When we are finally eliminated, and your side (purveyoirs and implementers of the Kalergi Plan, if you did but know it) there will indeed be no racists because there will no longer be any races!! EVERYONE in europe will end up the same coffee coloured 90 I.Q. fungible human resources. 

    And you guys think it's a matter of left versus right, red versus blue... That's precious.  

  • And yet in fact, Farage is a fascist. Not my opinion, his own. An acolyte of Mosley.

    I did think everybody knew that - after all he's been around for long enough.

  • I agree Debbie, it does feel as though this site dosen't really like debate or anything even slightly contraversial. Whilst it's really nice not to have personal abuse and jibes I think it has to be acknowlegded that there are some people who are a sense of offence looking for somewhere to manifest and that theres really no safe topic of conversation because someone somewhere will feel offended.

    Opinions are like assholes, everybodies got one!

  • I think that this is unnecessary and inappropriate as was the same in the other thread (a new gov).

    Just because a person is reported (see below) doesn't mean it was appropriate or fair.

  • We would like to remind you of Rule 5: 

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

  • I was too if he had I would have joined the Labour Party.I am afraid even with keir who is less extreme the left of the party who I fear is still alive and kicking and we can talk about Reform but on the left the independents and some members of the Workers Party and the greens have equally unpleasant views

  • The mistake Labour made was not electing David Miliband who was in my mind the best person that never got to be PM bar paddy Ashdown.

    Yep. I loved David Milliband and was gutted when he didn't become leader.

  • Corbyn was a disaster I do not know where to start with him.The mistake Labour made was not electing David Miliband who was in my mind the best person that never got to be PM bar paddy Ashdown.

    On the tories they should have had Ken Clarke

  • One way to campaign for a fairer voting system is to petition parliament.  There was a petition on the UK Government and Parliament petitions website titled "Use Proportional Representation for UK General Elections"

    which was closed early due to the general election. When a new Petitions Committee is set up, presumably a new petition can be set up.  A government is free to ignore a petition, but if the petition was backed by a large number of people and a government rejects it out of hand then a government would look dismissive and out of touch.

  • We allegedly vote for a party and not a person, but when a new leader is chosen by a tiny number of party members and become PM, they can radically change the direction of government and make it something that we did not vote for. Like it or not, we're are becoming more presidential with our PM's and I think that why we ended up with the disaster that was Liz Truss, who apart from party members voted for her?

    If we're not a party member we can't vote for a change in party leader, not all parties choose thier leaders in the same way. Many parties won't let you vote for a new leader unless you've been a party member for some months before, it stops a pile on for a Corbyn type figure.

    I think the HoL is more often the opposition than the formal opposition  in the HoC, 

  • I think PR is the most representative of the vote.

    This (below) doesn't make sense to me and I'd also like my vote to actually count for something which it doesn't in my present constituency.

  • yeah i think this whole quitting and getting a new leader is some type of intentional exploit to make your party stay in power longer.

    leaders should never quit, they should stay and take accountability for their policies. if they feel bad and want to stand down they should be made to stay their entire term and if they feel bad they should undo the bad thing they feel they have done.