Why are some people so horrible?

I saw in my city news letter today that a man had been jailed after torturing his dog.

Like why? What the hell would possess someone to do that?

A few years ago my sister was injured in a terrorist attack when she went to see that Ariana Grande concert.

I don't know why people are so evil. Whenever I see the news it's always depressing. I'm sure there's more good people in the world than bad but it's easy to forget that. 

  • I'm so sorry what your sister went through. Truly awful, I hope she is ok now. My sister in law had a very close call in 2001 during the 9/11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center. She was in the South Tower but luckily was on the lower floors and got out quickly unharmed. She still has nightmares about it. 

    There are bad people in this world, those who show us the worst of humanity but there are many more good people and those are the ones to remember. The news is almost always focused on the bad stuff because bad news sells... I prefer to not watch the news it is far too depressing. 

  • I'm so sorry what your sister went through. Truly awful, I hope she is ok now. My sister in law had a very close call in 2001 during the 9/11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center. She was in the South Tower but luckily was on the lower floors and got out quickly unharmed. She still has nightmares about it. 

    There are bad people in this world, those who show us the worst of humanity but there are many more good people and those are the ones to remember. The news is almost always focused on the bad stuff because bad news sells... I prefer to not watch the news it is far too depressing. 

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