Executive functioning's totally f****d

I hate the fact my EF is totally f****d. I hate even more the fact I've never had help and support for it.  Multistep tasks are my nemesis. Prioritising the steps to be taken so damned difficult. Some days it's like there's 20  different TV channels on at the same time each showing a different program.  Doing most high range IQ tests are a walk in the park compared to that! My organising and planning ability is in the toilet.

  • A muffled "Buenos dias" to all

  • .it feels like that today.....AGAIN !!!

    Virtual hug and squirrel nuts to you.


  • rather than trying to fight against myself

    Well, you are doing better than me then.......because I'm beating myself up......constantly.....because I feel I deserve it....or at least something unpleasant !  My mindless and needless self harm (in a practical, not medical sense) defies all rational attempts to comprehend it's own ineptitude.

    There must, surely, be some way to be better, somehow - not "cured" but "improved" from 3% efficacy to say 30% ?!?!?!

    Some days, the frustration goes past exasperation into the realms of utter desperation.....it feels like that today.....AGAIN !!!

  • Hell yeah brother !

    Utterly f****d indeed.

    Not  absolutely always.....sometimes, it can be golden........BUT VERY OFTEN IT IS NOT.....AND IT     DRIVES    ME        F R I G G I N G      S    P     A      R     E    !!!!  Utterly frustrating and disheartening.  I often feel like a squirrel who knows how to speak 9 languages fluently and could compose an opus......but of course....squirrels can't speak, nor write.

    That's me (at best).....an over-inspired, frustrated squirrel !!

    Now that's a "thought for the day!"

  • Mine has much room for improvement.  I do write a lot of things down.  That helps a bit but I still find it easier to remember 16th Century Spanish monarchs and their reigns than what I am supposed to do at work tomorrow.

  • I think this is something most neurodivergent people (and those with related conditions) have difficulty with - the actual, practical side of life - but there's little to no help available. Not that we should expect any help anyway in my opinion. ... Online strategies seem to be lacking and short sighted.... ("Use post it notes! Write a list!"). I am learning to do what comes naturally and adjust my own expectations rather than trying to fight against myself. Easier said than done tho!