Executive functioning's totally f****d

I hate the fact my EF is totally f****d. I hate even more the fact I've never had help and support for it.  Multistep tasks are my nemesis. Prioritising the steps to be taken so damned difficult. Some days it's like there's 20  different TV channels on at the same time each showing a different program.  Doing most high range IQ tests are a walk in the park compared to that! My organising and planning ability is in the toilet.

  • Hell yeah brother !

    Utterly f****d indeed.

    Not  absolutely always.....sometimes, it can be golden........BUT VERY OFTEN IT IS NOT.....AND IT     DRIVES    ME        F R I G G I N G      S    P     A      R     E    !!!!  Utterly frustrating and disheartening.  I often feel like a squirrel who knows how to speak 9 languages fluently and could compose an opus......but of course....squirrels can't speak, nor write.

    That's me (at best).....an over-inspired, frustrated squirrel !!

    Now that's a "thought for the day!"

  • I hope I don't offend by saying that your post made me smile, for more than one reason... Mr Squirrel Upside down

    I was never just being naughty or bad like I was made to think growing up. But this is how I coped. I still get bursts of frustration, anger & the feeling of complete & utter despair. I did do things to myself like taking freezing cold showers to numb the chaos & pain, to try to block it all out, stop myself from imploding. The buzzing of so many things going around my head that nothing was clear & I just wanted it to stop! It is like a whole stadium of people shouting questions at you & demanding answers!

    I have come to the point now where I have almost come to terms with it - as my Asperger's friend says "it is what it is"! So I prepare for it's next coming & stop trying to fight & try ride it out. To my surprise, this has actually helps me. So I don't fight or try to overcome it (which TBH is a struggle). So I think to myself, ok, this is how I am just now & I just...  Stop. Doesn't matter what I am trying to do. Sometimes I just sit on the sofa & let it flow over me in silence. Sometimes I find that music relaxes me & helps me to focus. The sooner I do this the sooner I come out the other end. Coming to the conclusion that I can do nothing about it & excepting that fact has helped make the worst of it ease & it seems to help me relax & find some kind of calmness much sooner.

    This may or may not help you. But I thank you for sharing & making me aware that "I am not the only one!"

  • I hope I don't offend by saying that your post made me smile, for more than one reason... Mr Squirrel Upside down

    I was never just being naughty or bad like I was made to think growing up. But this is how I coped. I still get bursts of frustration, anger & the feeling of complete & utter despair. I did do things to myself like taking freezing cold showers to numb the chaos & pain, to try to block it all out, stop myself from imploding. The buzzing of so many things going around my head that nothing was clear & I just wanted it to stop! It is like a whole stadium of people shouting questions at you & demanding answers!

    I have come to the point now where I have almost come to terms with it - as my Asperger's friend says "it is what it is"! So I prepare for it's next coming & stop trying to fight & try ride it out. To my surprise, this has actually helps me. So I don't fight or try to overcome it (which TBH is a struggle). So I think to myself, ok, this is how I am just now & I just...  Stop. Doesn't matter what I am trying to do. Sometimes I just sit on the sofa & let it flow over me in silence. Sometimes I find that music relaxes me & helps me to focus. The sooner I do this the sooner I come out the other end. Coming to the conclusion that I can do nothing about it & excepting that fact has helped make the worst of it ease & it seems to help me relax & find some kind of calmness much sooner.

    This may or may not help you. But I thank you for sharing & making me aware that "I am not the only one!"

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