What do you like doing most?

I like to do lots of different things like listening to music and playing my violin or singing. Music is such a big part of my life. It's something I get enjoyment from on a daily basis. Singing allows me to open up my soul and I have a good vocal range. When I'm sad I can sing something sad, it offers a good feeling like my soul is exposed and shining brighter than the stars at night. When I'm happy I sing happy songs and if I'm stressed and feeling lost I'll sing with everything I've got and really let it out!

My other fav thing to do is learn. I love to learn new things and spend a lot of time watching videos online like learning a new language or about science or sea cucumbers LOL. It doesn't matter what it is... if it's new and I don't know about it then I want to learn it. I'm naturally a fast learner and this makes it easier for me and more enjoyable I guess. I like to learn from books as well as videos and own a lot of learning books - some from school, others I got second hand from shops.

At school I learned about David Bowie and since then I've done so much reading on him, not just regarding his music career but his entire life. I've found him such an interesting individual and I'm loving finding out about every little detail of his life, and I've been able to relate to some of the tragedy that touched his life.

Music and learning. Those are my fav things to do. 

Interested to find out what yours are. 

  • I like reading too and cooking.

  • I like to listen to music as well; a variety of genres. My favourite thing to do, however, is read. 

  • Hi there! 

    We have the same favorite things for sure! Music and learning. I feel so good singing or writing music, I have been a musician all my life and learning music was the definition of happiness for me! 

    I am always learning a new language or a new hobby as well. I don't usually become very interested in other people but more likely in skills and techniques. 

    And I think my 3rd favorite thing is organizing. I re arrange things or organize them for fun. It helps me think and regulate. I notice myself after I have done this and I am sooo much more calm and decisive. It is like magic. 

  • Welcome to the community, Sarah Jane. I hope you enjoy being part of this incredible group. 

    My favourite thing to do is most definitely listening to music. Notes I own a great deal of vinyl, most of it is older vinyl from the seventies and eighties. Despite being born in the late nineties music from the decades before appeals to me more. Music brings me a lot of happiness, when it hits me I feel no pain; and it can bring back memories when I listen to certain songs. I don't sing (luckily for everyone else) but I'm glad others do and are willing to share their gift with the rest of us muggles. ;)