Mistake when driving

I love classic cars for many reasons. Their styling is beautiful, their mechanical features were mostly astonishing for the time and I’ve owned several classics all of which I loved. Anyway… one thing I really detest about modern cars is their lights, especially the LED day runner lights they all seem to have because if they hit a dip or bump, it looks like they flash which can cause mistakes as I found out today.

Today this happened to me. I was waiting to turn out, I should have been taking more note of the cars passing by, I wasn’t because I had just come out of a very busy Waitrose. A black car was coming. It must have hit a dip because I thought the driver flashed their lights – I accelerated out and as I did I saw the driver and she glared at me shaking
her head. I was confused until my car turned in to the road up behind the car in front…
A hearse.

Suddenly the realisation set in. I felt rotten.

I felt like an absolute jerk. The woman behind was part of the funeral procession and I broke in to it. Not intentionally, though I should have seen the hearse first but I still feel bad about it. This is one of the main reasons I hate driving because I misunderstand things and I cause disruption without really meaning to because I’m trying to process so many things at once.

Suffice to say, I got off that road ASAP. At the next turning I took it, sadly a stretch that led to a duel carriageway adding an extra 17 miles to my journey home, not what my Immortal needs as it’s missing like the devil, but perhaps I deserved it for pulling out in front of the funeral car.

  • I often have those moments in life, I'm sure we all do. We think "hang on a second I wonder why everyone is looking at me... Oh **** I've done something totally stupid". It feels like the whole world saw it.

    I always feel like that one moment has overidden every right thing I ever did and rendered me totally stupid and useless. It lasts a while then fades away.

    I think I'm so busy trying to work out all the variables and do what's right that I sometimes miss a key thing that was probably obvious to other people.

    Glad to hear it ain't just me, hopefully knowing it ain't just you either will help!!

  • I often have those moments in life, I'm sure we all do. We think "hang on a second I wonder why everyone is looking at me... Oh **** I've done something totally stupid". It feels like the whole world saw it.

    I always feel like that one moment has overidden every right thing I ever did and rendered me totally stupid and useless. It lasts a while then fades away.

    I think I'm so busy trying to work out all the variables and do what's right that I sometimes miss a key thing that was probably obvious to other people.

    Glad to hear it ain't just me, hopefully knowing it ain't just you either will help!!

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