Acronyms and stuff

I seem to be the only one who dosen't understand acronyms and initialised words and phrases. It's very disconcerting to read a post or a whole thread where I find I don't understand what people are talking about because of acronyms and stuff. Is this just me being an old fogey who dosen't understand text speak  or something?

  • Whilst there are some acronyms I am familiar with and understand, there are plenty that I find myself having to look up on the internet.

    One thing I've noticed is that since smartphones became a thing, the use of SMS 'text speak' has significantly increased. I appreciate that language is ever-evolving, but my fear is that a time will come when future generations will be incapable of stringing a sentence together, unless it's been condensed into 'text speak'.

  • I wonder the same thing too, especially when I hear people using them in normal speech, like "awks", how will people verbalise emoji's though? Or will all emotional and other contexts be lost?

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  • I find it even worse when it's in things like cards or emails, not only do I not understand it, but it feels lazy and disrespectful.

    I wonder how long it will be before people forget how to write with a pen and paper? Civilisation would collapse without the ability to read and write, or do the basic maths that's done in primary school. All it would take is for satellites to get knocked out.

  • I find myself rolling my eyes and inwardly groaning with despair when I hear text-speak used in verbal conversations. If a person is amused by something and laughs, I fail to understand why they then feel the need to actually say 'Lol'.