Acronyms and stuff

I seem to be the only one who dosen't understand acronyms and initialised words and phrases. It's very disconcerting to read a post or a whole thread where I find I don't understand what people are talking about because of acronyms and stuff. Is this just me being an old fogey who dosen't understand text speak  or something?


    Seriously though, I Google quite a few myself, I know quite a few but often get texts from my teenage daughters and have to do a quick Google search to figure out what they mean!

  • Emoji's really do my head in, I don't only not understand what they mean, but I can't even see most of them, I just can't make out what they're supposed to be, let alone things like aubergenes!

  • They can be useful if you're sending a message and want to convey the spirit it was as meant in, but I only really understand the basic and obvious ones, like a laughing or winking face, which is useful to point out sarcasm or joking when I send a message, to avoid it being taken seriously, which would be the case quite often as I have quite a dry sense of humour.

  • They can be useful if you're sending a message and want to convey the spirit it was as meant in, but I only really understand the basic and obvious ones, like a laughing or winking face, which is useful to point out sarcasm or joking when I send a message, to avoid it being taken seriously, which would be the case quite often as I have quite a dry sense of humour.

  • That's really made me chuckle, next time my phone does that with a message I'll reply saying "thanks, I'll take stock"

  • Bunny, thanks but my computer skills arn't up to what you suggest, I really am crap with computers, theres almost no begining to my skills!

    Autisician I don't think I have anything that does emoji's, I've certainly never used one and tend to ignore ones sent to me as I can't see them, I just decipher the text, but only a handful of people ever send me texts anyway. I'm still not entirely sure what a box followed by X means, it looks like oxo to me and I'm sure nobodies sending me stock cubes.