What did you do today?

Today I went in to Dublin to get some shopping, was successful in this except for the milk I like. Tut. I also visited St Stephens Green Park which was lovely as always, whilst ensuring my face was protected from the sun by a hat lol. 

When I was back home I decided to try to tidy up my room. It's needed doing for some time but everything in there is so neat and tidy I hate to touch it because then it's not all perfectly neat. As you can hear my OCD is horribly fierce! 

But I was strong and decided to have a quick tidy up in which I dusted everything and then immediately got it all back to its neat and tidy positions. Every book, picture, Funko Pop and item in there is perfectly straight now.

And then this afternoon I've literally just rested on my bed as I listened to music.

This evening I'm watching Ruth Rendells Inspector Wexford and then I'll try to watch something else until I'm so tired I fall asleep. 

How was your day? Relaxed

  • I'm sorry you are feeling unwell. I hope today you will feel much better than yesterday Slight smile 

    I spent yesterday doing a bit of cleaning as well but intend to do very little today, if I can help it.

  • Cleaning for me is difficult because I'm so anxious about dust and germs and it being on my skin or me breathing it in. I also suffer really bad fatigue and doing even small tasks I find exhausting.

    So I don't dust or clean nearly as much as I should...

    But then I get upset when I see dust on things but very rarely can I bring myself to actually clean it. 

    I like my possessions to be neat and tidy if possible.

  • I do receive a lot of data that isn't publicly available, but most of it is easily accessible. 

    I did consider working in that area (audience research) but it never really went anywhere. I think my interest in it doesn't extend beyond a "hobby". 

  • I topped up the spreadsheets of UK TV viewing figures I keep.

    Have you considered using web scraping software to harvest this info off the internet and add to a little database or spreadsheet then you can use analytical software to create all sorts of trends from this info?

    You may end up being able to create an app in the end and monetise it.

  • Got up at 5am and went to work, got back around 3pm. Walked the dogs, made tea/dinner for my stand I. Watched a few episodes of supernatural and then listened to Noah Khan for a bit. Now it's bed time.

  • I woke up, did some math problems because I am trying to get better at math. I scrolled this forum, and I forgot where I was for awhile, and then I found that once I snapped back to reality, I was eating chips for some reason, and then I realized that I didn't eat breakfast yet, but it was already after noon. And I didn't do much yet. 

    I was planning to clean today. Although my cleaning skills are sub par, considering I get perplexingly sad when everything is all gone from my table or desk, as if all my favorite things have been taken away and thrown out, and I'll never get them back, even if I'm the one who cleaned it. It must be some kind of thing I can't remember from way back when in childhood. But anyways, I've cleaned out some things, yet having a certain amount of clutter makes me feel comfortable, and having it all clean and barren makes me feel sad or anxious, but I'm trying to get past that. I wonder how cleaning is like for you? 

  • I had a Subway for lunch. I topped up the spreadsheets of UK TV viewing figures I keep.

    We had a delivery for new settees. We had to send them back because they were not the right size, even though the size was on the receipt... but hopefully they'll sort it out.

    Would have ordinarily had therapy but it was pushed back to tomorrow for this week. My entire week revolves around that one hour.

  • Thank you for this thread! So refreshing! Today I was kinda on the site here but not sure if and what to write so I kept it for myself, I also stayed at home because I’m not feeling well today and listened to music a little. The weather was bad. Just cleaned a bit and that’s it. Next week should be warmer and hopefully I will get better to go out. I love walking and listening to the birds singing.