Keeping busy.

My dear Good Lady finds herself in residence of the local general hospital after having some chest pains she breathlessness after a walk on Sunday. I am still unsure if it is just an attempt to escape my rather dull company for a time! No one would blame her. I've visited her twice which took some great strength and I rather dislike hospitals as I find them too bright and noisy to be in. This week I have been busy at home getting the place in good standing for when my Good Lady is well and returns. I have cleaned the bathrooms, the bedrooms and the garden shed; though admittedly that last one is more for myself than my other half. Upstairs is especially clean and ship shape. 

This morning I had intended to clean the downstairs rooms as well as my study but then I had a call about taking my great grandchildren, Ben and Raine to school as their mother had an appointment she could could not miss. I only found out I was autistic last year and I like to plan my days well in advance whenever possible and sudden changes can be challenging to deal with. But I pushed those anxieties away and got the Roller and went to pick them up for school. I got them there by eight thirty and was back home by a quarter to ten. Not bad that! 

So now I have just finished cleaning the study. Everything is polished, the books are dusted and the wooden floor mopped.

I will have a whiskey this evening and for now I have more chores to do. I may go for a wee walk this afternoon, if I have finished everything else on my list of to dos for the day. All in a days work. Forget being retired. One may become a handyman and cleaner if I keep up this good work!

My mother used to say there's always plenty to do to keep you occupied and she was quite right. This week so far I have managed to keep myself well distracted.