Fave quotes

I always start the day with a quote. It puts me in a positive and hopeful mood, which if I'm lucky will last the rest of the day.

These are 2 of my fave quotes.

Please share any you like as well.

  • True story: this morning, having heard my wife tell me about people misbehaving, I responded by saying, "Well, as the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said: 'People are tw*ts.'" For a moment, she believed me! And they say that autistic people are gullible! (She's neurotypical, though thinking about it...)

  • True story: this morning, having heard my wife tell me about people misbehaving, I responded by saying, "Well, as the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said: 'People are tw*ts.'" For a moment, she believed me! And they say that autistic people are gullible! (She's neurotypical, though thinking about it...)
