Fave quotes

I always start the day with a quote. It puts me in a positive and hopeful mood, which if I'm lucky will last the rest of the day.

These are 2 of my fave quotes.

Please share any you like as well.

  • I rather like this, from St Augustine:

    My memory contains my feelings. Not in the same way as they are present in the mind when it experiences them, but in a quite different way. That is in keeping with the special powers of the memory. For even when I am unhappy I can remember times when I was cheerful. And when I'm cheerful I can remember past unhappiness. I can recall past fears, and yet not feel afraid and when I remember that once I wanted something, I can do so without wishing to have it now.“

  • I rather like this, from St Augustine:

    My memory contains my feelings. Not in the same way as they are present in the mind when it experiences them, but in a quite different way. That is in keeping with the special powers of the memory. For even when I am unhappy I can remember times when I was cheerful. And when I'm cheerful I can remember past unhappiness. I can recall past fears, and yet not feel afraid and when I remember that once I wanted something, I can do so without wishing to have it now.“

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