Blocking out stuff

I struggle to focus cause I can't block things out. Background sounds. Voices. If there's a clock ticking I can't help but notice it, it's putting me off my school work. It's also causing a negativity in me that I'm not really used to cause normally I'm such a bubbly positive girl.

Same thing happens at home if someone talks to me I can't help but notice say the TV or a clock or someone's phone if it's playing music.

  • I struggle to focus cause I can't block things out.

    This is a classic autistic issue - our brains never developed the filter for sensory input that neurotypicals did so we struggle with oversensitive responses to hearing, smell, touch and taste (all at differing levels).

    With the audio input our brain is trying to process each stream of audio at the same time and that kind of multitasking is exhausing - when combined with other social interaction issues it is the leading cause on why we end up with burnout.

    The best workaround for this is as others pointed out - either kill the noise with headphones or / and other noise to drown out what noise can get through.

  • I get this as well. It's like my brain can't look past what it's hearing and then it tries to focus on everything all at once. Very annoying! I wear ear pods and phones - usually have some soothing tunes on, like Enya, something melodious and calm that will distract me and put me at ease. 

  • Indeed. I have 'musicians earplugs'. They are cheap on amazon and serve to damp down the world.

  • ear plugs such as flare calmer that help screen out background noise can help as you can still hear everything you need to but it dulls the sounds that are distracting

  • I have this. I have a specially curated playlist of music on an mp3 player I play in in-ear-buds, and put a pair of noise defenders over the top, that way the only background sound I have is my self regulation music (it has to be calm enough to not be distracting, but lively enough tempo I don't want to fall asleep) I also find it helps with my executive dusfunction because it keeps my momentum up on tasks.
    At night I have a skyrim music and ambient playlist I use to drown out tinnitus and pipes moaning in the walls at low volume and to focus on instead of letting my mind race so I can fall asleep quicker too. But obvs I don't wear the ear defenders over the top when I'm in bed.