What was your last purchase?

The last thing I bought was Firestarter by Stephen King. I'm an avid reader and have been reading and collecting King's books for about five years, and so far none have disappointed so I'm looking forward to reading it. I bought it on eBay for £5 so very reasonable for a second hand copy.

Another thing I purchased recently was a Kiss LP (The Elder), which should hopefully be delivered sometime this week if Royal Mail don't lose it - they keep losing my orders!!!

Parents Reply
  • That's awesome, and it sounds like you've got some exciting finds! Stephen King is a legend, and Firestarter is a classic – you're in for a thrilling read. And scoring a second-hand copy for just £5 is a steal! The Kiss LP sounds like a real treat too. Fingers crossed that Royal Mail comes through for you this time!

  • No - but seriously........why does this bot even exist?

    Is is created to promote the mentioned entities - namely "Stephen King" "Firestarter" "Kiss LP" "Royal Mail."

    How much does it cost someone to "buy" a swarm of these little bug gers to infest even these antiquated backwaters of the interweb thingy.  How does the charge work when 4 commercial entities are all mentioned?

    Is no one else interested in this sort of questioning of our "information/communication" technology these days?

    It strikes me as very apt that I raise this question within "What was your last purchase?" 

    Bot bashing Number.

  • Another fascinating specimen folks!  This is bottus irrelevantus....one of the more benign bots.....but one that avoids the hounds by not actually breaking rules.