No idea why I'm posting this - (just for fun)

I am currently sitting in front of my computer, which is in my kitchen, waiting for something to finish cooking in my microwave.

As I will be eating shortly, one might well wonder why I chose to sign in, or why I feel compelled to share this uninteresting news with you. Thinking

Well, I did not know that within 5 minutes of me signing in, my son was going to ask if I fancied something to eat, which I do... because I'm hungry. So, now I'm sitting here thinking, "Don't get too involved with the forum discussions, or at least not until after I've eaten."

"That's all well and good", you might think, "but why are you telling us all this?" Rolling eyes

Um, I have no idea. None whatsoever. Stuck out tongue winking eye

Disclaimer: Sparkly accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the effect this most peculiar discussion may have on anyone who views it... unless the effect is laughter, in which case she definitely does. Laughing

Acknowledgments: Sparkly would like to thank all members who have contributed to this discussion. Thumbsup

Whilst Sparkly knows she is without a doubt completely bonkers, or at least she was when she originally created this post (and hopes she still is now and always will be), Sparkly is inclined to think she might not be alone in being bonkers, considering some of the contributions made to this discussion. Grin

  • While you're waiting, you could find out if Pete Waterman drives trains.

  • i think I’ve seen him in one. Not locally like. On the tv. But he might have just asked the man could he have a wee go 

  • I once met David Bellamy on a train. Neither of us was driving it. It was a long time ago.

  • My previous store had a regular customer who looked exactly like Mr White, and another one who looked like Fred Flinstone 20 years later, obviously retired. Stuck out tongue

  • To be honest, although I left him alone largely due to my social anxiety, I think there is something to be said for letting celebrities be when they're just going about their daily lives. They're not paid to interact with the public 24/7.

  • I’ve heard, from colleagues, two separate personal experiences where Michael Palin was just lovely to talk to. But also one where he (according to this person i know) was rude and abrupt. The crucial thing in the last instance was, he’d been at an ATM or something, maybe hyper focused on some task and not having the nicest day. She wanted his autograph and said how big a fan she was and he was huffy about it and said no.  So I think I’d assume on law if averages that he’s a nice, but human, guy. Who doesn’t like being approached in the ‘wrong’ context. Also, when I worked in a bookshop years ago he did a signing and when it was over he hung out for a while at the front of the shop just chatting to old ladies and random punters and seemed authentically very pleasant indeed. 

    but I’d say you did the right thing leaving him alone on that train! 

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