Share your hyperfixations with me :)

I thought it might be nice to share our hobbies and interests with each other- we may find something new to try out. Here is my list:

  • Learning foreign languages- I use Duolingo for this and am currently learning 3 different languages.
  • Infodiving on wikipedia. Also, have you heard of the Wiki game where you count how many clicks on embedded links in articles it takes to get from topic A to topic B?
  • Arts and crafts- this has always had a HUGE impact on my emotional and mental wellbeing ever since I was a kid. It doesn't matter what your technical ability is. Currently I am into drawing realistically but I have also enjoyed cross-stitching and animation in the past.
  • Video games- I have a huge backlog in my Steam and Switch library- admittedly I haven't even seen the launch screen on the majority of them but I am comforted by the fact that I will always have something new to play when the 'spark' strikes. My current favourites are Dead by Daylight, Fall Guys and Euro Truck Simulator 2 (and have been for months).
  • I have a special interest in all things science-y! It was one of my favourite subjects in school. I pick up New Scientist and Science Focus magazines to keep abreast of the latest information in the scientific community. I am aiming to achieve a Bachelors of Engineering in Aeronautics and Astronautics in the future and have plans to refresh my maths skills.
  • Social media- a bit of a double edged sword. I am aware there are some intolerant and/or ignorant people out there and that social media isn't everybody's cup of tea. Personally, I am not afraid to use the 'Block' button if I find someone's posts trigger me in a negative way. On a more positive note, I have found some very supportive mental health support Facebook groups and even an adult scouting group on the site where you can earn and buy fabric merit badges!
  • Building models with Lego- I have so many sets still to build and no room in the house to store them lmao.
  • Puzzles and brainteasers- these include those in the paper and physical format. I got a set of 5 rubix-style cubes for Christmas last year. I am still trying to solve the 2x2 without instructions (no spoilers please!).
  • Adult colouring- I have amassed quite the collection of adult colouring books: even an Iron Maiden album art colouring book duo.
  • Lastly, (I saved the best until last) is listening to music. I am a huge rock and metal fan but I'm trying to branch out and find other genres of music I may have missed out on. Any suggestions would be great- I enjoy up-beat tempos with lots of instrumental layers.
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  • Omg Lego is the best :-) 

    There's the building, but the different colours as well can be fun to organise. There's the Minifigures which you can collect, pose or create a portfolio for. You can videos about Lego. And the history of Lego is super interesting! :) 

    My mum was a big Lego fan as well. I think that's where my love of it comes from.

  • I am not into Lego now but often used to help my son when younger or do most of it. It is the satisfaction of seeing the completed model. I am very methodical in following the instructions. It's the same with making flat packed furniture. I recently put together a bedside table, starting with laying everything out. (May also be from experience of missing parts. I once put together a futon which then had to wait to finish to replace one screw that had no head).

  • Simon, you don't know what you're missing out on. One of the first things I bought my son when he was old was Lego. Why? So that Mummy could play with it after he had gone to bed. Stuck out tongue winking eye

    I am inclined to think that you are possibly exaggerating and would be perfectly capable of constructing something. Granted, you might not be able to state what it is that you have constructed, just that you have constructed something.  Back in my Lego-playing days, I often had no idea what it was that I was constructing, although that may have more to do with the fact that there was never enough Lego or the right kind of Lego pieces for me to complete my construction. Wink

  • At the moment it's art. I'm no good but i enjoy it.

    I was sitting here one day listening to local radio, The guest was talking about her art group. The group was fubded by our local health authority, and was targeting  people who had mental problems and those who were older, alone, and sitting watching the four wals all day.......... I thought, that sounds like me. The autism was stopping me getting in touch, but eventually i plucked up the courage. The art can be anything using things from around the house, your garden, or even rubbish from the street. It's not just painting, we've done sculpture. and lots of writing,  short poems & stories. I surprised myself that i can write. When Covic came along we had to stop meeting but had weekly coffee mornings on Zoom  It's stopped for Christmas now, but as i said it's funded by the local health authority, lucky to still getting money. They call it, art on presciption and the funds are limited, and a lot more people, not just me, that need help. I've come to the end of my turn, my help, a few times now, then one of the artists will phone and say someone has dropped out  of the latest group, would you like to take their place ...... Yes Please.