What do you like most about your home?

I was just talking to this lovely nurse and was explaining that going outside makes me anxious because of the people and unfamiliar surroundings and she asked me what I like most about my home and what makes it safe for me. And I thought that would be interesting to ask here as well, if you're comfortable to say of course :) 

I like a lot of things about my home. All my favourite possessions are there. It's peaceful and I know I'm always comfortable and happy there. And probably the best thing is it's in the countryside.

Not a lot I know but they are big things for me.

  • Hi, The thing I love most about my home is that, it’s for sale. This isn’t a negative statement. We have lived in the same village for 22 years and mostly enjoyed it. My wife and I were born 4 miles from where I live.

    we have decided to move to Cornwall and start a new chapter in our lives. I’ve been struggling to live in a neurotypical world for 55 years and now I know why I struggle it has made our minds up. We have found a house with outbuildings and 2 acres of woodland. It is about a two mile walk from the coast and has no neighbours within about 1/2 mile. Our plan is to convert two outbuildings into ’lets’ for autistic people a sort of autistic retreat, very quiet and obviously very autistic  friendly if that makes sense. An ideal place for people in burnout. A place where people can recharge. My wife is going to carry on as a district nurse and I’m going to concentrate on our project. That’s what is going to make me happy in my new home. 

  • That's lovely Roy. I love Cornwall really beautiful place. Best of luck to you and your wife for the future I hope you're both be really happy there x

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