Do you like Christmas?

I have to admit it's not my fav time of year. I liked it when I was really little because of Santa and presents but now I'm an adult it just makes me anxious. Everything about it causes me anxiety and discomfort. The shops and town become super busy and loud, bright lights are flashing everywhere, it's colder usually, everything gets expensive and family always mix and party which I find very hard to cope with. I just want to hide away for the whole month and come back in January. I know it's not Christmas yet but it's closing in fast and I'm already anxious and dreading it.

  • I don’t mind Christmas Day, I find the two months leading up to it very stressful. The non stop tv advertising, constant Christmas songs on the radio and shops forcing Christmas on me, it over stimulates me. I try to keep away from a lot of it. I find it’s another day similar to birthdays and anniversaries when people have expectations and the day is too different.

  • I feel the same way. Try to keep away before it can overwhelm me which it often does. Just wish I could skip the whole season lol.

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