Do you like Christmas?

I have to admit it's not my fav time of year. I liked it when I was really little because of Santa and presents but now I'm an adult it just makes me anxious. Everything about it causes me anxiety and discomfort. The shops and town become super busy and loud, bright lights are flashing everywhere, it's colder usually, everything gets expensive and family always mix and party which I find very hard to cope with. I just want to hide away for the whole month and come back in January. I know it's not Christmas yet but it's closing in fast and I'm already anxious and dreading it.

  • Not a fan personally, none of it really makes sense to me. The stress of buying gifts for people that they invariably won't want or like but have to pretend that they do. The enforced "fun" and socialisation with family members that don't bother with each other the rest of the year. It's just commercialised now rather than being a religious festival. I've often been called "the grinch" and had all of the "bah humbug" comments over the years, but I'm not against other people enjoying it. I just don't understand it or find it fun myself. Same goes for my birthday, I tend to just treat it like any other day. Having said that I do enjoy the time off work and a good roast dinner Slight smile

  • My thoughts exactly. Big business have turned a spiritual event into a reason to force people to spend money on things they don't really want, or doing things they don't really want, and stress everyone out in the process.

  • My thoughts exactly. Big business have turned a spiritual event into a reason to force people to spend money on things they don't really want, or doing things they don't really want, and stress everyone out in the process.

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