Speling and Grammer

My Speling and Grammer is atrocious, I fully admit it.

But the standard on this cite is wurse than me.

In this age of spell checkers etc, their is no excuse.

  • I find this thread very interesting. Grammar has always been very important to me, as I like to express thoughts very precisely, and I'm averse to ambiguity where it wasn't intended (although naturally, I enjoy it in literature, for example, where ambiguity serves a purpose).

  • I find this thread very interesting. Grammar has always been very important to me, as I like to express thoughts very precisely, and I'm averse to ambiguity where it wasn't intended (although naturally, I enjoy it in literature, for example, where ambiguity serves a purpose).

  • Accuracy, brevity and clarity, and of these three the greatest is clarity.

    I know many autistic people who like me pay exceptional attention to language and using correct parts of speech.  And many who don't.

  • Yes, I'm a grammar pedant. I especially like pointing out that the possessive apostrophe in English - the ' in such phrases as "Harry's toys" points to a missing 'e' that defined the Anglo-Saxon genitive case;. as in, "Se Cyninges sweord" - 'The King's sword'.