What are your Pet Peeves?

What are your pet peeves? I'm interested!

Mine are; 

Being told things I already know

Losing things

People making little comments about the things you do, what you wear, what you're eating etc.

All of these absolutely boil my blood. They make me so angry.

I bet lots of people will say chewing noises.

Parents Reply Children
  • Yeah the easily offended I forgot that off my list like people who try to be PC but when it comes to round to it there fake as hell and would still discriminate against an ASD or ADHD person

  • The arguments one I absolutely agree with.

    My parent's think I do it as a way of 'silencing' them and not listening to their POV, but I just think, you won't change my mind and I won't change yours so what is the point in going on about it.

    We aren't in parliament or congress or a world leader so even if we DO change either ones opinion, it won't make much of a difference!