Sunflower Lanyard

I notice people are wearing sunflower lanyards now, I assume most people do have the right to wear then. but my cynicism side tells me that some people. Will only wear the lanyard, to circumnavigate the wearing of face coverings. And it's the people, that do wear a lanyard for that reason. Make my lanyard invalid. Because I worn the lanyard prior to the pandemic happening. And I didn't see people wear them, during that time period. I've been confronted a few times, why am I wearing a mask, and have a lanyard on. I just explain, what I've mentioned above

  • I carry mine around in my bag. I applied for mine about three years ago for use at the airport when travelling to Spain. I had a diagnosis of panic disorder and PTSD. I cannot wear any covering over my mouth for more than a few seconds without my fight or flight response being activated with disastrous consequences. I've only ever been asked where is your mask? once by someone standing guard at Sainsbury's (I never shop there usually, but I had no choice on this occasion).  A quick flash with my lanyard and he backed down with a look of abject disappointment and resentment. I find it distressing to be around people who wear those light-green medical face coverings. Seeing their covered faces can set off my panic disorder. I prefer to see people wearing more colourful and personalised face coverings.  Of course, I'd rather not see people wearing them at all. But, we are where we are, unfortunately. I remember last year everyone telling us that masks were ineffective and could even make matters worse. Not quite sure when they changed their minds. I've never seen anyone who wears them properly, nor anyone who doesn't constantly fiddle with them, or take them on and off, which defeats the whole purpose of wearing them.

  • The government were saying masks didn't work. Science has always known they work.

  • I mean it depends on what context? Giving masks to doctors In hospitals and just letting patients wander around without them? Evidence suggests the impact is small.

    Force almost everyone to wear a mask? Bigger impact. Basically masks are better at catching Covid on the way out than in. You wear it to protect others as much as yourself.

  • I mean it depends on what context? Giving masks to doctors In hospitals and just letting patients wander around without them? Evidence suggests the impact is small.

    Force almost everyone to wear a mask? Bigger impact. Basically masks are better at catching Covid on the way out than in. You wear it to protect others as much as yourself.

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